Pressing issues with regards to Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) in the country are still dominantly present and there is a need to raise awareness to accumulate support for the passing of a law that establishes a more responsive and progressive CRVS system and implementation that will benefit stakeholders, especially those who belong in the indigenous people communities.
As part of the organization’s advocacy, GNIP Advocacy and Networking Unit spearheaded a CRVS Media Forum on February 27, 2018, as it was the Civil Registration Month, to empower children’s participation in an advocacy that directly affect them and to allow them in voicing out the realities of their lived experiences in a wider audience.
A child and an adviser from Laak CDP participated in the national advocacy campaign for CRVS, together with the Child Rights Network.
Before facing the press, the participants were directed on the press conference procedures and prepared them what was going to happen February 24 to 25, 2018.
It is every child’s right to have an identity – a name, and a nationality – which is bestowed upon after registering one’s birth. This process should not be underestimated because it provides protection. Without proper documentation, a child’s existence is not recognized. Effective civil and birth registration provide children their legal rights.
Through the Youth WAVE 2024, we are being called to stand behind the youth. Let’s build a world where passions are nurtured, and education is accessible to all. We can create a future where young forward-thinking leaders can emerge.