The education of the youth and children in distance learning is one of our top priorities. Many education-related challenges were encountered by youth and children learners, such as lack of modules or learning materials, accessibility to the internet, and others.
We continuously work hand in hand with partner government units to achieve a better and quality education for the children and address these challenges in education.
Through the Community Development Project in Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon, we provided support to 4,046 Elementary, High School, Alternative Learning System Learners through the provision of learning equipment to suffice their needs of modules and other learning materials.
Good Neighbors turned over 460 reams of bond papers, 23 units of printers, and 138 bottles of printer inks to the 19 Elementary Schools, 3 High Schools, and the Alternative Learning System within Prieto Diaz District 1 and 2. This provision will help sustain the printing production of modules for the new normal learning modality of education.
The turnover ceremony was attended by Mr. Jose L. Doncillo, CESO V, Schools District Superintendent of SDO Sorsogon, and expressed his utmost gratitude for the provision of learning materials and equipment. These collaborative efforts foster to bridge the gaps in delivering meaningful education for the children.
Through the Youth WAVE 2024, we are being called to stand behind the youth. Let’s build a world where passions are nurtured, and education is accessible to all. We can create a future where young forward-thinking leaders can emerge.