Income generating projects are important initiatives to produce income and provide employment in the community that will help in strengthening its self-reliance and empowering its economic participation.
To provide a deeper knowledge of the numerous income generating activities, the Income Generation (IG) sector of Good Neighbors International Philippines (GNIP) conducted a training-workshop for field staff with the purpose of gaining a common understanding and standardized implementation of the IG activities in the community which happened on May 7 to 8, 2018 in Hive Hotel, Quezon City.
The training provided goal setting techniques and various strategies including standard operating procedures and process that can be applied to future projects and events. It also paved way for the circulation and exchanging of thoughts from their previous experiences on the community activities’ implementation.
With the execution of this training, it provides more prospects and strategic opportunities for the community to maneuver and calibrate its future endeavors.
Through the Youth WAVE 2024, we are being called to stand behind the youth. Let’s build a world where passions are nurtured, and education is accessible to all. We can create a future where young forward-thinking leaders can emerge.