On November 8, 2013, an exceptionally powerful tropical cyclone named Haiyan devastated a portion of the Philippines, particularly the provinces of Samar and Leyte. This calamity killed at least 6,200 individuals while leaving 28, 626 injured. Guiuan, Eastern Samar, the location where the typhoon made its first landfall, was one of the severely affected municipalities. Good Neighbors conducted emergency relief operations in Guiuan to respond to the urgent need of the people after the devastation. Aside from the provision of food, temporary learning centers and school materials were also provided. Moreover, a feeding program and the construction of a new school building was included in the emergency response and rehabilitation plan for Guiuan. Based on the needs assessment conducted by Good Neighbors and the results of other agencies’ and international organization’s assessments as well, there was a need for a long term rehabilitation program for the community because of the large scale damage brought about by the super typhoon.
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